Pebbles and Time

Pebbles and Time is a small painting I recently completed, measuring about 14 inches wide by 10.5 inches high.
I've been focusing on smaller projects like this one lately, aiming to complete more pieces and, in doing so, accelerate my learning and development as an artist. Working on large-scale projects can sometimes feel like a marathon, where it's easy to get bogged down in the details or lose sight of the bigger picture. These smaller works allow me to stay fresh, experiment with new techniques, and enjoy the satisfaction of finishing a piece without the weight of a months-long commitment.

An oil painting of two small children in shallow waters edge titled "Pebbles and Time" by Artist John Huisman

As I look back through my sketchbooks, I see the various sketches I've done both before and during the process of creating this painting. While these sketches do help with composition and technical aspects, their real value lies in the deeper connection they allow me to build with the subjects. It's about discovering details I might have overlooked and gaining new insights into the scene. Through these sketches, I start to see the story that’s unfolding, the emotions and moments that give life to the painting. Or maybe that's all just nonsense and I am just sketching sometimes to avoid the harder work.


It's also interesting to see some progress shots of this when I first started.
Sometimes I think I should have stopped here:

Start 1