Metal roof

I have been working on a project with Ellen Cashman of Bear Bones Studios which she featured in her recent newsletter:

She also has a new website up and running here:
you can also find her on facebook here.
and pinterest here.

Some pictures of the metal roof going on that cabin this past couple weeks:

Steel, roof, custom, cabin, home, log, ely, mn, huisman, mottled, copper

Steel, roof, custom, cabin, home, log, ely, mn, huisman, mottled, copper

Spring is coming in Ely. We have had some warm weather and the majority of the snow has melted but there is still a lot piled around and in the woods.  This week I took a walk out to an island on Burntside Lake to take some measurements for a cabinet I have to get built. It was a windy but sunny day and the ice was perfect for walking. It was only a mile each way so I was back in a little over an hour.

Looking straight out toward my destination:

 At the island site looking back the way I came:

 I probably could easily have driven my truck out here the ice was in great shape, but it was a nice day for a walk… I just don’t seem to get out as much as I should. Sometimes I think I don’t fully appreciate where I live…


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