“Playing around with smaller canvases lately – it feels like a shortcut to more projects and quicker learning. Swapped out…
For about 30 days, mostly in September, I decided to challenge myself to do an oil painting a day. These…
This one certainly has me thinking about a larger piece of work using this theme. We will see… https://www.johnhuismanart.com/
Another small oil portrait sketch in the sketchbook for practice with colors and brushes, values etc. https://www.johnhuismanart.com/
Another quick tiny painting with oil paints suing the Zorn Pallet, (Black, yellow ochre, red and white). This measures about…
Just a very quick gesture sketch using oil paints on old scraps of Bristol board. https://www.johnhuismanart.com/
This is the same face as the last blog post only using a pallet of colors and a brush. I…
Working with just a pallet knife this time. Probably could use a little smaller knife for this size of a…