Blue sky and cold…

Someone was telling me the other day that I need to post some shots of these projects from the lake side rather than the driveway side. Once I got over the shock of realizing that there is actually someone who might occasionally read my blog or parts of it, I realized that that is true. I generally think about taking photos as I am getting in my truck to leave and so they become more of an afterthought. But, like I say, I never thought it really mattered, I am just trying to fill some space in a weekly blog and talking about the weather gets old…

So, yesterday I realized another reason I don’t take many pictures from the “front” or lakeside, (there is often confusion about what the “front” of a lake cabin is. On most homes the entry side is the front, but, to me, the lakeside of a lakehome is the “front” and the entry side is usually the back).

…anyway, here are a couple shots, the best I could get from the front. It is a walkout basement and starts sloping to the lake from there. If you try to get far enough to get a decent look at the place, there are too many trees to even see it, but at this distance, the upward angle makes it hard to see the cabin very well at all. In this case I was trudging through the 14″ of new snow, stumbling and slipping around…

timber, frame, lake, house, ely mn, huismanconcepts
Once again, the incredible blue sky that typifies so many of the pictures I take around Ely, (possibly because I don’t venture out much in the inclement weather).

Minnesota, blue sky, huisman, custom home.
Steffes boiler, ely mn, custom home by John  Huisman
For the more technical minded, here is the core of the heating system, a Steffes “off-peak” electric boiler in the basement. It is piped now to the hydronic tubing in the basement floor slab and will later be piped to the tubing that will be laid in the main floor for in-floor heating throughout.


As I was implied earlier, over the course of this past week winter came hard and fast. I don’t know what the official total was in snow accumulation but I would think 14-16″… not as much as Duluth or the North Shore, but still… and it wasn’t a big dump, it just persisted for about three days steady. Just snow and gray windy days. I took the snow-blower out every day for three days just to try to keep the road coming up our hill passable but after you put the blower away and turn around there was already 2 more inches…
snowfall, december 2013, Ely area, Minnesota, huisman

As always, after a snowfall like that, the sky clears and the temps plummet.  We had a low this morning of -18 degrees and a high today, (12/7), of about 6 below zero. But at least that constant accumulation of sugary powder has stopped for the time being. Everything now is hard and crunchy.

Burntside lake froze over on Thanksgiving night. I was out near the lake on Friday late afternoon as the sun was setting and took these pictures. It was about 6 below and dropping at that time.

Burntside lake, december 2103, Ely, Minnesota

Burntside lake, december 2103, Ely, Minnesota, winter,

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