The Gypcrete overpour

This week the “Gypcrete” over-pour happened.
As I talked about in my last post here:
We had all the in-floor heat tubes down and ready last week.
The guys from Floor Technologies came up this week and we had perfect weather, (no snowstorms), with an early temp of about 0 degrees but a high nearer 30 which was nice so we could have the door and some windows opened a little bit and still maintain the 50 degrees we need for the Gypcrete to set up.
They start by mixing the stuff on the back of their truck using sand that they brought in combined with the mix in their bags.:

Gypcrete, over, pour, in-floor, heat, timber, frame, cabin, huisman, ely

 Gypcrete, over, pour, in-floor, heat, timber, frame, cabin, huisman, ely

 They pump the mixture through the hose into the house. It is almost a water consistency so, for the most part, it is self leveling. We are shooting for an inch and a half in thickness.

Gypcrete, over, pour, in-floor, heat, timber, frame, cabin, huisman, ely

Gypcrete, over, pour, in-floor, heat, timber, frame, cabin, huisman, ely

 …and working their way out the door.

Gypcrete, over, pour, in-floor, heat, timber, frame, cabin, huisman, ely

 Amazingly, you could walk on it a couple hours later but we waited till…

…the next day…

Gypcrete, dry, cured, set-up, timber, frame, cabin, ely

Gypcrete, dry, cured, set-up, timber, frame, cabin, ely

 Of course, as you could imagine, the moisture in the building now is huge so we have several dehumidifiers going to try to eliminate it as much as possible to avoid too much condensation on the windows. Again, fortunately, we have temperatures in the 20s for a few days so the condensation is not to much of a problem. Still we want to dry the place out and it is not quite warm enough to open all the windows.

Gypcrete, dry, cured, set-up, timber, frame, cabin, ely

Always cool to see that kind of stuff happen. They were a good bunch of guys that went about the task and got it done.


…on a more somber note…
I stopped by the ball field on Friday just to look… not very encouraging, I’m afraid. And we are supposed to get 12″ on Monday…

Ely, MN, snow, baseball, field, march 2014

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